Intoweb provides training for your employees in software skills and scripting. Intoweb has been involved in computer training in the website industry for the last 6 years. Train employees in IT related subjects and thereby develop your employee skills to their full potential.
We have trained employees from many companies, including the following:
Dept. of Home Affairs, ANANZI, HSRC, Nexus, University of Zambia, Nuclear Medicine, Softline VIP CSIR, SABS, Networks Online, North West Provincial Government USC, MASCOM and In Sync Graphic Design.
1. Hands on training
Learners get to interact with the lecturer and ask questions, and ask for further explanation when things are not clear. Often people find it easier training about software and programming in a "learning by clicking" environment compared to self study.
2. Training and Assessment systems
Intoweb Training (a division of the Intoweb group of companies) has developed specific employees assessment and training solutions and offers a new unique approach to training. The VHD (Virtual help desk) systems allow organizations to train up their employees in desktop skills such as windows, office products and Novell products. Intoweb is the only company in the world offering online training on Novell products. Purchase of a training and assesment sytem includes after-sale support services
For more information on employee training services provided by our company feel free to contact us at