Rapid developments in technology require the necessary training to keep up with it. IT course instructors at Intoweb are all working in the fields that they lecture in, insuring that they keep up to date with these changes in technology. The Intoweb Information technology (IT) courses can be seen as the  best courses of their kind in South Africa today.

Smart business leaders reshape companies by harnessing the power of Information Technology (IT) to anchor success and meet competition head on. Of course, IT involves computers, software, and services, but good IT synthesizes these elements with a concentration on how your organization can best meet its goals. Increasingly, the IT department is the hub of any company-and companies expect IT managers to accomplish a variety of tasks with limited resources. Intoweb provides companies with the opportunity to send employees to various IT courses and thereby develop these resourses to their full potential.

Intoweb Training (a division of the Intoweb group of companies) has developed specific e-learning solutions and offers a new unique approach to training. The training system is a web based Intranet driven solution allowing orgainizations to train up their employees in desktop skills.The VHD (Virtual help desk) systems provide e-learning solutions in windows, office products and Novell products, in fact we are the only people in the world offering online training on Novell products.

For more information about Intoweb's information technology courses and skills development feel free to contact us at