Microsoft® IIS ASP

Intoweb is a leader in the field of ASP development, we have pushed and broken the boundries and limits of ASP. We have vast experience dealing with MS servers, focusing on Intranets.

Apache PHP

Intowebs specialises in Linux servers, where most of their internal and external servers run on Linux. PHP is litrally 100 times more powerful than ASP, the functionality built into PHP is astounding. Most website backend is performed in PHP in Intoweb. We will even rewrite peoples websites into PHP, so as to allow the clients to tap the vast potential of PHP.

List of Skills

Our programming department are experts with the following skills:

  • Active Server Pages
  • PHP
  • SQL (MS SQL, mySQL, PostgreSQL, Access, and others)
  • JavaScript
  • Advanced Javascript
  • Flash Actionscripting

Clients whom Intoweb has implemented vast programming

  • Investec Bank
  • Anderson Consulting (Accenture)
  • SAB (South African Brewery)
  • Nuclear Technology Products
  • Agricultural Research Council
  • Cashbuild
  • Porsche

Intoweb caters for both the large corporations and small companies, account managers whom have many years experience, will guide you through the process of backend programming for websites or designing Intranets. Since we have done so much programming in the seven years we have been consulting, we have almost developed everything there is to develop. You can trust Intoweb with your project. Contact us so that we can amaze you too.