What is Enterprise Supplier Development and How can it Benefit your Business? Enterprise Supplier Development (ESD) is affirmative action aimed at promoting economic tranformation through, using, mentoring or developing entrepreneurs or businesses that were previously disadvantaged due to circumstances or legislation. Under the revised BB-BEE scores South African companies can benefit from participating in Economic Supplier Development Different manners of Enterprise Supplier Development (ESD) are:
In South Africa preferential procurement is a national policy that encourages government department and agencies to procure goods or services from previously disadvantaged individuals or businesses. A proactive movement from businesses to use and source goods from suppliers who have been under-used and are struggling to enter the marketplace Companies or businesses working with under-used and disadvantaged suppliers on a one-to-one basis to improve their performance and improve their chances to be worked with by other businesses and companies. This is a strategy from businesses and corporations to work with people to promote economic growth and reducing poverty in their community. Examples of Enterprise Supplier Development exercises from Businesses:
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